Donald Trump reveals that he knows he’s in deep trouble

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Donald Trump has won, right? Now that he’s passed his tax scam bill, his failed presidency is magically on track for success, and he’s about to magically fire Robert Mueller and magically get away with his Russian treason. That’s what the mainstream media would have you believing right now. But that’s not what’s happening – not even close – and even Trump’s own skittishly bitter behavior today reveals that on some level he knows how bad things are for him in this moment.

It should be obvious enough to anyone paying close attention. The Republican Congress frantically rammed through a half finished tax scam for their wealthy donors without even bothering to read it. They could have come back in January and crafted it into something less embarrassing, and thus less politically damaging to themselves. But for whatever reason, they don’t believe they’ll still be in a position to pass any partisan legislation by the time the holiday recess is over.

This past week the Republican Senate has also begun blocking Trump’s nominees left and right, after a year of rubber stamping them. The GOP clearly knows something about Trump and January that we don’t. They expect everything to have gone straight to hell for their party by next month. But if their actions aren’t obvious enough, take a listen to how Trump himself has been talking today, even as he should be celebrating the passage of his tax scam.

For instance Donald Trump tweeted this garbage just after his victory on the tax scam: “The Tax Cuts are so large and so meaningful, and yet the Fake News is working overtime to follow the lead of their friends, the defeated Dems, and only demean.” Then, during what should have been a celebratory cabinet meeting, he bitterly attacked the media again. This isn’t someone celebrating victory. This is someone who’s bitter and angsty and acting like he just lost, because he knows it’s about to get much worse for him. So does the GOP. They’re just not telling us what they know that we don’t.

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