Donald Trump is rattled

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At no point during his foray into politics has Donald Trump had any idea what he was talking about. His understanding of the issues, even the ones he’s emphasized the most, has been kindergarten level at best. Most of the time he just makes things up at random. So it’s not breaking news that Trump spent Friday once again revealing that he doesn’t have a clue. What is a big deal is the specific topic that Trump couldn’t seem to wrap his head around on Friday.

The Republicans in Congress have spent the past week spinning phony scandals about Special Counsel Robert Mueller, so that when Mueller takes Trump down, the GOP can tell Trump’s base that it tried to stop him. Trump’s co-conspirators in the media (we’re looking at you, Sean Hannity) have spent the past week spinning the same falsehoods, in an even more hyperbolic manner. So now that the bully pulpit has been set up for Trump, what did he do with it?

Trump’s words to the media today were so unintelligible, we won’t even bother transcribing it here. The upshot is that, even though Trump spends eight hours a day watching cable news and he’s repeatedly heard the rhetoric in his favor, he managed to completely botch it when trying to recite it back to the media. He’s so rattled, so senile, however you want to describe it, he can’t even recite the argument in his favor after spending all week listening to it.

No wonder Donald Trump’s attorneys keep coddling him by feeding him the absurd claim that he’s not personally under investigation, and that the Trump-Russia investigation will magically be over soon. Trump is too mentally incompetent to even understand what’s happening to him. There’s no way for anyone involved, not even his own attorneys, to get him to understand reality. Instead they’re merely trying to keep him calm as he gets taken down. At this rate, his senility may end up being the defense they try to invoke.

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