Roger Stone has bizarre profane meltdown after Robert Mueller files Trump-Russia criminal charges

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Special Counsel Robert Mueller filed the first criminal charges in Donald Trump’s Russia scandal on Friday night, according to a CNN report. No one knows yet who has been charged โ€“ and as best anyone can tell, that includes the individual(s) who have been charged. That’s led to some surreal reactions on the part of Trump-Russia players, including Trump’s longtime friend Roger Stone, who staged a meltdown that was bizarre even by his standards.

Roger Stone is facing potential criminal charges himself, both for his role in communicating with Russian government hackers while he was working as a Donald Trump campaign adviser, and for his lack of cooperation in the Trump-Russia investigation. So does Stone think criminal charges have been filed against him? It’s difficult to tell, based on the incoherence of Stone’s strange and profane response. After someone asked him about the charges on Twitter, he responded “Yeah I hear Deep State stooge is indicting Manafort’s driver for double parking, u little shithead.” That was just the beginning.

Stone then tried playing comedian, to ill effect. He tweeted “Breaking : Mueller indicts Paul Manafort’s maid for tearing labels of sofa cushions.” After that joke fell flat, he tried taking a shot at the media for no apparent reason: “Jake Tapper must be held accountable for his lies and very severely punished.” He then added the hashtag “#Fakenewsasswipe” for no apparent reason.

So that’s the story out of Roger Stone’s deranged little corner of the world. Based on CNN’s reporting, it appears Stone has no idea whether or not the criminal charges that have been filed are against him. Yet true to form, he’s tweeting profane and idiotic drivel. However, it is clear from the tone of his meltdown โ€“ particularly his response to the individual who asked him about the charges โ€“ that he’s more than a little bit concerned.

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