Donald Trump has another senile moment

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Back when Donald Trump was still on the campaign trail, he was having several senile moments during every rally speech. Then his handlers pulled him from the campaign trail almost entirely, at first blaming budgetary issues, and more recently blaming the weather.

The only reason we’re not seeing as many senile moments out of Trump lately is that he’d been doing far less speaking in public (instead he sits in the courtroom, forgets what’s going on, and decides to fall asleep). But Trump is still periodically trying to come off like a candidate for something, and suffice it to say that it’s not going well:

Pennsylvania is one of the absolute most important swing states in a presidential election, and yet Donald Trump doesn’t seem to know that Philadelphia is a city in Pennsylvania, and not some other place. This comes after a confused Trump claimed earlier this year that Pennsylvania’s name was going to be changed to something else.

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