Donald Trump gives away just how powerless he is

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I suspect if Donald Trump were ever to sit down with a psychiatrist, there would be multiple diagnoses. As I’ve said before, and as many other Palmer Report writers have said, it’s very likely Trump is a malignant narcissist. He has every single indicator.

He may have other disorders. He certainly could be an antisocial personality, possibly histrionic as well. But you know what one thing is ALWAYS present in Donald Trump, clinging to him, like an impassioned lover, never leaving him, always by his side?

Anger. No matter if Trump has one personality disorder or multiple; the fact remains that anger is the one constant in Trump’s life, and it isn’t going away anytime soon. On the morning of the second day of his trial, Trump appeared bright-eyed and bushy-tailed (before he went to court and promptly fell asleep.)

But Trump had the energy to post on Truth Social, demanding — DEMANDING the Judge in his Hush Money case lift his gag order. Calling his Judge: “conflicted” and “Trump-hating”, the orange menace proceeded to throw yet another temper tantrum as he declared the Judge was “running roughshod” over his legal team.

It is not exactly a compliment to his legal team. “Take off the gag order!!!” I always look for the amount of exclamation points as that can be a good indicator of just how furious our traitor is. One exclamation point — typical trump rage. Two exclamation points — a bit more furious than usual. THREE exclamation points — danger, Will Robinson, Danger.

In reality, there is no danger. What we have here is a fuming, powerless wreck of a human being, a weak, doddering, long-in-the-tooth man who would appear to be finally beginning to understand that he is powerless.

Donald John Trump is now the wholly owned property of the United States criminal justice system. His rage, like hot red sand, cannot save him. His pathetic commands cannot help him. Nothing can help him, and it would appear he may just be finally realizing that.

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