“This is what Donald Trump did…”

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If the Biden campaign was a weather report, the report might read like the following: “Sunny and clear, with zero chance of precipitation, blue skies abound and will continue for many months to come.” This is because the Harris/Biden campaign has struck all the right notes so far and shows no sign of stopping. Their recent abortion ad is achingly sad, telling the story of people directly impacted by Roe’s overthrow. It’s got Donald Trump steaming.

The reason for Trump’s anger is because the Biden ad says: “This is what Donald Trump did.” He did. Had it not been for Trump’s choosing of Barrett, Gorsuch, and Kavanaugh, Roe would likely still be here. So, when looking for whom to blame, one person should be Donald Trump.

In response to this ad, Trump is spinning his spider web of lies again, saying Democrats want abortion up to the moment of birth. That is not abortion; it’s called murder, and I can assure Donald Trump that no Democrats are for murdering babies as they come out of the womb.

In the meantime, polls are out showing most Floridians support the Constitutional right to an abortion. There is also news that Trump is losing women at even faster rates than before, particularly suburban women.

A new WSJ poll shows that this issue is “Make or break” for many swing voters. Does one suppose Donald Trump will listen to what voters are trying to tell him? No.

The GOP – and I include EVERYBODY in that soon-to-be extinct party — has shown they’re incapable of listening to anyone about anything. Look at folks like Pence and Lindsey Graham, who still call for national abortion bans. Look at “concerned” Susan Collins, who refused to listen when told what Beer-boy Kavanaugh would do.

That’s why I expect MORE Republican voters to abandon the GOP as time passes.Think of it like a sinkhole — a sinkhole full of GOP voters climbing out and running like the wind, far, far away from what has become an unearthly party of insane extremists.

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