Donald Trump goes on completely senile bender about how Jack Smith is beating him at basketball or something

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We’re already at a point where Donald Trump is too senile for his handlers to let him speak regularly in public anymore. But even without his rallies, Trump keeps finding a way to remind everyone of just how incoherently senile he’s become.

To that end, Trump went on a social media rant this morning, accusing Jack Smith of “using Third World tactics in a corrupt ploy to ‘play the ref.’ However, no matter how hard he tries, Deranged Jack Smith will never be Coach Bobby Knight, a Basketball Legend for all time, who led the last undefeated team in College Basketball. Coach Knight would always ‘play the refs,’ but not to change the last call, to change the next one.”

Huh? So now Jack Smith is playing basketball against Trump, or maybe Jack Smith is a coach who’s playing basketball against Bobby Knight? This is all just weird. But the real upshot here is that Trump suddenly seems very worried about what Jack Smith is doing in the Aileen Cannon case. Have Trump’s handlers broken the news to him that Smith might succeed in getting Cannon removed from the case? Something seems to be afoot here – and not just Trump’s worsening senility.

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