Donald Trump reaches the begging stage of his downfall

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HIM AGAIN? Yes, it’s Donald Trump again. Trump, in the flesh, orange, bulging, and apparently driving his staff absolutely crazy. “Are they giving?” Are they, are they? Trump, reportedly DESPERATE for money, is busily hounding his staff while frantically trying to close the gap between himself and Joe Biden in fundraising.

Washington Post reports that Trump is fussily calling donors and begging for cash. I wonder how that goes. Perhaps something like the following:

“It’s me, your favorite President, money! I need money, you want to help your favorite, most honest President ever, out don’t you? Can I expect some cash? I hope so because your favorite President needs it, needs it, needs it. so I mean, Biden is, what was that. are you going to give.? Of coarse you are, Donald Trump is your hero, and you’ll wanna help your hero so yeah, I mean we all got, very bad Judge, he should recuse , but that’s the deep state, I mean they all, not for anything, and some people have been so generous, so giving to their favorite President, you know people say I’m smarter than Lincoln, It’s — I try to be modest, I don’t know, I’m just a modest guy but Jack Smith, I mean he’s very bad, Biden, I don’t know what’s wrong with him, and so you’ll give right?”

Sigh. Yes, that is how it probably went. The key thing here is that Trump IS broke. He doesn’t have any MONEY. Money is slipping through his fingers faster than sand. So now potential donors are receiving calls from the Bloat-master BEGGING and PLEADING for them to save his sorry ass!

Trump is also apparently hounding staffers. The atmosphere at Mar-a-Largo must be something straight out of “The Birds.” I’m sure staff members are running, hiding, desperately trying to escape the sound of money-hungry wings pounding through the halls of Mar-a-Lago.

Money, MONEY! Trump has a fundraiser this weekend and has reportedly told staff to get any potential checks in hand as soon as possible. Desperado. Trump is also tracking who will show up at his pathetic fundraiser. Yes, Mr. Pauper has his beady little eyes focused on all potential cash cows, and he’s pinning his hopes on ever-flowing cash.

Would it not be wonderful if nobody showed? Oh, some will. But no matter how much Trump makes, it will NEVER be enough. Money flows through his fingers like (stale) water, and Biden is still breaking records with donations. All Trump is, is a failed sad sack trying to remain relevant.

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