Senile Donald Trump is at it again

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It seems like only yesterday when we were speculating about who the GOP nominee might be. My, how time flies! Now, we’re into campaign season. Although I still believe there is a chance Trump won’t be the nominee, for now, he is representing the Republican party. And it appears the Republican party wants to deport homeowners.

I’m just kidding. (Sort of.) Donald John Trump made that shocking statement in Wisconsin, on Tuesday evening. Now — we, of course, know what went wrong. Trump flubbed his lines again. Oh dear.

“If your constitutional rights have been violated we will defend you.”

“If you have illegal aliens invading your home, we will deport you.”

That’s the way to do it, Donnie! One thing I will say about Donald Trump, he never fails to deliver on the gaffes. So basically, what he said is that he will deport homeowners, and I — I GUESS leave their homes to the Immigrants—strange messaging, to be sure.

There is something most significant about this particular blunder. Trump had not been on the campaign trail before this for over a month. See? The man has ONE RALLY — makes one speech –, and he screws it all up. After zero rallies, all the little turd had to do was to read the teleprompter. Instead, we got — homeowner deportation.

Tuesday evening in Wisconsin, there was a strange mist, a kind of menacing fog, in the air, and that mist was Donald Trump’s brain. So what this SHOWS us is that the man cannot even make it through one mere rally without bad, very bad things happening. Very bad things happen when Trump takes the stage. It was the gaffe heard all through the country.

Naturally, many took to Twitter to announce that Trump’s brain had taken a long walk off a very short pier. “He wants to deport the house owners and give away their homes?” Many appeared puzzled. And for the record, it’s not the ONLY gaffe Trump made this magical night. There were plenty more. Keep on keeping on, Donald Trump. You’re helping us more than you could ever know.

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