Another one bites the dust

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The GOP House Caucus are like those fools in horror movies who know exactly where the monster is, and instead of running for their lives, they say cheerfully: “Let’s ask the monster if he’d like tea or coffee.”

Everyone is leaving the GOP House. The House on Capitol Hill has become completely dysfunctional. Sanity, tranquility, and getting ANYTHING done have become estranged from GOP House members. Its family is scattering. GOP Rep Ken Buck has announced he will leave Congress NEXT WEEK.

At this point, I half expect the GOP will not have the House majority for much longer, and I’m talking about BEFORE the election. Buck was brutally honest, calling out the dysfunction in Congress and saying that this is: the worst year of the “nine years and three months I’ve been in Congress.”

There’s more. Speaking to CNN’s Dana Bash, Buck said OTHER Members are feeling the same way, which raises the question of who is next. It really is like playing a game of clues. It could be anyone. Buck said GOP house members have descended into “bickering and nonsense. And not really doing the job for the American people.”

Buck also said that he hears from people who are unhappy with Trump everywhere he goes. Buck had announced he was not planning to seek reelection, but he was NOT expected to leave this quickly. He is leaving the GOP with another vacant seat in a sea of disappearing Congresspeople.

I say the GOP is not the GOP anymore. They are the Trump party. That is why they need to lose every election. They are a pale shadow of what they once were, and since that shadow has only one objective – staying loyal to Donald Trump — it appears the dysfunction will simply go on and on and on.

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