Donald Trump gives away how senile he is while trying and failing to explain that he’s not senile

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As Donald Trump has more frequent senile moments in public, and his dementia symptoms become more severe for all to see, he keeps getting more defensive about it. This is a mistake on Trump’s part, not only because he keeps putting his dementia front and center by talking about it, but also because of how badly he’s struggling when he tries to talk about it.

For instance, on Monday, Trump said that “the ball goes the same distance” while insisting that he’s not suffering from cognitive decline. When I first heard this, I figured it had to merely be a metaphor. But when you listen to the full context, it turns out Trump is literally arguing that he can’t possibly have dementia because he can still hit a golf ball as far as he used to:

For starters, given his age and his obvious physical issues, it’s highly unlikely that Trump can hit a golf ball as far as he did in his youth. But that’s not the point. The issue here is that Trump no longer appears to be able to differentiate between cognitive abilities and physical abilities.

No cognitively competent person would argue that they must be cognitively fine because they’re as physically strong as ever. Trump’s argument alone is a sign that he is indeed cognitively incompetent.

I’ve said this before, but it’s worth keeping in mind: this is only going to get worse. Dementia patients don’t all decline rapidly. But when dementia patients are declining rapidly, it only tends to accelerate. Trump is now so far gone that he needs a card to remember his kids’ names, and he no longer understands the difference between physical and cognitive abilities. What next? We’ll find out soon enough.

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