This is just ugly for Samuel Alito

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If you want a great historical book, might I suggest ‘The Witch of Blackbird Pond?” It deals with the stuff of nightmares — the Witch trials of long ago. If, like myself, this subject interests you, the book mentioned above and “The Crucible” are two of my favorites.

You know what gets me about it? The men. Yes, the Salem Witch Trials were so very long ago, but they remain a black eye on our history, a time of evil, a time that we hope never happens again. At least MOST of us do.

For there are some people, dear readers, some people who do stupidly incomprehensible things like issue legal opinions with quotes from Judges from long ago, like Sir Mathew Hale, a 17th-century Judge who supported the motion that many a woman were a witch, who sentenced women to death, who claimed husbands could not rape their wives.

Such a lovely man this Hale must have been! Justice Alito must think so since he quoted Hale in the Roe decision. In that regard, I have some excellent news. Justice Alito is hopping mad!

This is great news because when Alito is mad about something, it means the right decision was made. On Tuesday, the extreme court declined to hear a case about whether one can exclude Jurors from hearing cases based on their religion.

The case started with Jean Finney, who filed litigation against the Missouri Department of Corrections. Finney, who is gay, claimed she suffered workplace discrimination and retaliation.

During jury selection, several Jurors were dismissed who claimed homosexuality was a sin. Finney won her case, and Missouri appealed, arguing that the jury process was tainted based on eliminating these jurors. The court sided with Finny.

The case was appealed to the extreme court, which declined to hear it. But Alito is never one for holding back. Alito appeared infuriated and wrote a statement pouring forth his concerns about ANTI-GAY people.

Alito is worried they might be discriminated against. You read that right: “Americans who do not hide their adherence to traditional religious beliefs about homosexual conduct will be labeled as bigots and treated as such by the government. The opinion of this court in that case made it clear that the decision should not be used in that way, but I am afraid this admonition is not being heeded in our society.”

Wow! Way to announce your hatred of people who are not straight, Sammy! Are you going to be quoting MORE witch judges? What Alito did was basically to announce: “I am a racist.”

As “The New Republic” says, racism in the Merriam-Webster dictionary is defined as a person who treats a group with hatred and intolerance.

Some things never change, my friends and one of those things is the bitter and dark candle that burns in the heart of Justice Alito, burning with intolerance for anyone who is not a good Christian man. Sammy would have been much happier, I suspect, growing up in the times of the Salem Witch trials.

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