Donald Trump just made such a bizarre post about Alexei Navalny, you’d think it wasn’t real

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Although Donald Trump’s brain is a crumbling cookie these days, that doesn’t mean his extreme narcissism isn’t as alive as ever. It is. Trump had been silent on the death of Alexei Navalny. Not anymore, my friends, not anymore.

On Monday, Trump posted a message about Navalny. A condolence message it was not. What it WAS, was all about Trump again — naturally. I won’t quote him because, frankly, the message was disgusting. He spent exactly one second on Navalny before making it all about his own horrible self.

Trump went into his usual hubris-filled scrawls on Truth Social, writing about witch hunts and America being a nation in decline. His anger crackled with the usual blazing fury of a traitor scorned.

Over and over, Trump, sometimes in all caps, posted about how everyone was out to get him — his anger, coupled with the decay of his brain, made for a rant for the ages. Lost, of course, in all this was any expression of condolence for Navalny’s family.

Never expressed was a word for the heroism of the man so very different than him. It is good that the name Alexei Navalny barely dripped off Trump’s tongue. After all, where Trump is evil incarnate, Navalny was goodness. The two men are like night and day, and frankly, Trump isn’t fit to speak this hero’s name aloud.

But in the fashion of many a narcissist who came before him, Trump remarked that Navalny’s passing has made him (Trump) more aware of how corrupt our country is. Notice something here? Of course, you do. Not one negative word about Putin — not one.

No condolences. No finger pointing at Putin. Do Republicans have any idea of just what a monster they may have as their Republican nominee A human being without empathy is like a lonely tree with no leaves. Empathy and human decency are central pieces of the parts that make up a human soul.

That is why we often say that Trump is soulless. Donald Trump loves only three things. They are the three P’s. Power. Putin. And pain.

These are Trump’s only loves, and these are what he thinks about (what he’s thinking, which I admit isn’t a lot these days.) He covets power. He worships Putin. And he brings pain to all who know him.

In reality, Trump, I suspect, would love to turn US into Russia so he could mimic the one person he reveres — Putin, a killer, a maniac, and the object of Donald Trump’s most fervent desire. Trump longs to be Putin just as Lindsey Graham longs to be Trump.

Trump and Putin are brothers in murderous matrimony. As Trump becomes more and more unhinged (and senile), all his darkness and hate pours forth. I can’t wait for the day that first jury says “guilty.”

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