Oops we did it again!

Palmer Report needs your help! If each of you reading this can kick in $10 or $25, it'll help keep us firing on all cylinders at this crucial time in our nation's history: Donate now via PayPal or GoFundMe

We keep doing it. They always say that we can’t, and then we do it again and again and again and again and again. Bill Palmer broke the news that the Democrats have flipped the seat that formally belonged to pathological liar George Santos.

Tom overperformed all night. It was apparent early on , that we had a much better than average chance of winning. Doesn’t it feel good? Doesn’t it feel like bright, golden sunlight, expanding all around you and in you , as you realize all the hard work, all the phone banking and donations, and activism has paid off?

There is nothing, I repeat nothing, like a political win, especially because we are doing it for a force greater than ourselves. We are doing it for America, and all her beautiful souls who dwell here.

It also is a giant “up yours” to the media, who, like empty bobble heads , chatter away about irrelevant things, ignoring the beautiful waterfall of hope, beauty and grace that is us — the Democratic Party.

Thanks to all the Palmer Report readers for your activism. I’ll tell you something. We are going to win it all in the 2024 election. When we’re all together, in unity, locked in as one political entity, there is nothing , I repeat nothing that can bring us down. We are a force to be reckoned with. And we keep on proving it with every election.

Palmer Report needs your help! If each of you reading this can kick in $10 or $25, it'll help keep us firing on all cylinders at this crucial time in our nation's history: Donate now via PayPal or GoFundMe