Senile Donald Trump’s babysitters hit the panic button

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Donald Trump’s senility has now reached a point where he doesn’t appear to remember who his friends or his adversaries are. He thinks his current opponent Nikki Haley is his old nemesis Nancy Pelosi. He didn’t seem to know who his pal Elise Stefanik was when he saw her name on the teleprompter. It now appears that Trump’s babysitters on the campaign trail are taking panicked steps to try to insulate Trump from real world intrusions.

This past week NBC reporter Vaughn Hillyard cornered House Republican Elise Stefanik on the fact that a trial jury concluded that Donald Trump sexually assaulted E. Jean Carroll. So now Trump’s babysitters have barred Hillyard from covering the Trump campaign.

Even as the professional lamenters out there talk about how awful this is and how it means Trump has become a dictator or whatever, they’re missing the point. This isn’t some power play. The real story here is that Trump is so fragile, his babysitters are trying to keep someone like Hillyard away from him, for fear that Hillyard will shout a question about Carroll at Trump, and Trump will screw it up. Trump is that far gone.

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