Donald Trump’s state of panic

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Being in a state of fear is the prickling feeling that something is not quite right. Fear is the hair that stands up on the back of your neck. Fear is a dark, desolate alleyway after dark — and realizing you’re not alone.

Being in a state of fear is being frozen in place, like an icy snowman, unable to move, to call out, to push away the horror that drives your mind. Fear is all that and more. Fear is the bird of prey that has fastened itself to Donald John Trump.

At least it is, according to Trump insiders who say Trump is freaking out over Jack Smith’s brilliant chess move of going straight to the supreme court. Anthony Scaramucci also said this, appearing on CNN, and he told Caitlin Collins that it was a “brilliant move” by Jack Smith: “If you really want to get inside the President’s mind, he’s very, very worried.”

I agree, but please, Scaramucci, refrain from calling this distorted THING, the President. He’s not and never will be again. The fact is that it would do Trump good to worry because right now, he has very few cards to play. Trump’s thing has always been delay, delay, delay. And Jack Smith knows this.

One thing that makes a superb investigator is their ability to get inside the head of their quarry. Jack got inside Donald’s head. He knew that Donald’s thing was to delay. And so he made moves so that things couldn’t be delayed. Yes, Jack Smith is brilliant.

But for every brilliant prosecutor, there is usually a VERY stupid criminal. And Donald Trump has had the wool pulled over his eyes. He certainly underestimated Jack Smith. So yes, fear has settled in the nest of Mar-a-Lago. It has made itself comfortable in Donald’s person and I doubt it plans to leave anytime soon.

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