Something is wrong with Lindsey Graham

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Lindsey Graham is not a well man. Lindsey Graham is not a well man, as the following will show you. There have always been two sides to Lindsey Graham. The first side is the Senator Lindsey. He goes about his business, which includes making Fox Non-News appearances, wasting time, and, in general, doing nothing for the American people.

Then there’s the other side to Graham. This is the timorous side, the plaintive, mushy-gushy for Donald Trump side, the side where Graham, like an excitable puppy, often barks out things that make no sense.

This is just what happened this week. The two sides of Lindsey Graham collided and it was hilarious. “We must stand with Israel in every way.” This is Lindsey Graham the Senator. And he’s correct. We must stand with Israel in every way. Graham even put these words up on Twitter. He’s been a vocal champion for Israel, as you know. Not anymore.

You see, someone has gotten to Lindsey. Sigh. Someone (could it be Trump[?) has been whispering in the tentative little senator’s ear. And like the good dog that ALWAYS rolls over when told to, Lindsey did an about-face.

“I will not vote for one dime for any country, including Israel until we secure our own border.” Who wrote these words? Why — Lindsey did! But wait, some confused soul might protest; how can he have written BOTH things?

The answer lies in Lindsey number two — the psychopath who at heart doesn’t really give a damn about ANYONE. Now — making matters that much more hilarious, although probably NOT for the “Senator”, Graham apparently had a memory lapse.

Graham posted these words to Twitter. But he appeared to forget, when posting these self-righteous words, that he’d never taken down the words he’d put up only days before, that he WOULD support Israel.

So, at the time of this writing, these two statements sit side by side on Lindsey’s Twitter page leading many amused people to ask: Just HOW stupid IS Lindsey Graham? THAT is one question I cannot answer, but the level of stupidity is at an all-time high.

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