Donald Trump just got his ass kicked

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In spite of endless media hype to the contrary, Donald Trump’s endorsement usually hasn’t been worth much over the years. He has a habit of making last minute endorsements where the Republican was going to win anyway, so he can falsely take credit. In races that are competitive, Trump’s endorsement doesn’t usually move the needle for the Republican. Some Republican candidates don’t even want his endorsement.

Now that Trump is increasingly seen as a senile has been who’s on his way to prison, he’s more desperate than ever to show that he can motivate voters with his endorsements. To that end he endorsed Kentucky’s 2023 Republican candidate for Governor in a big way – and that candidate made a major point of marrying himself to Trump.

The end result: Democratic Governor Andy Beshear won reelection in a big enough way that the race was called for him twenty minutes after the polls closed. Trump clearly failed to move the needle for the Republican candidate, even in a red state. It looks like Trump’s endorsement may have even hurt the Republican candidate.

In other words, Donald Trump just got his ass kicked – by voters. More than ever, Trump simply can’t drive turnout. He’s not a relevant force in politics anymore, no matter how much media hype claims he is.

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