George Santos posts bizarre late night tweet amid reports of expulsion proceedings

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After House Republicans finally got a new Speaker of the House in place on Wednesday, it seemingly made George Santos expendable. After all, they don’t need his vote for Speaker anymore, and he might well be in prison anyway by the next time they need his vote for something. So at this point he’s probably more trouble for them than he’s worth.

Sure enough, New York area House Republicans let it be known to the media on Wednesday evening that they intend to initiate expulsion proceedings against George Santos within days. This isn’t surprising, as the Republicans in the districts surrounding Santos are particularly worried that his scandals could cost them reelection in 2024 if he’s still on the map by then. As I wrote at the time, the new House Republican leadership might have to let the Santos expulsion happen in order to keep the peace within their own caucus.

Then sometime after midnight, George Santos posted this cryptic tweet: “Everything has an end in life.” Okay, so that’s bizarre. Of course Santos is a guy who was seen wandering around a bank lobby offering people movie roles on Monday, and was seen wandering around with a baby that wasn’t his before that, so at this point everything he does is bizarre.

Is this tweet George Santos’ way of acknowledging that he’s indeed on the verge of expulsion and that his brief career is indeed over? We’ll see. If Santos is ousted, we’ll have to gear up pretty quickly for a special election to take his place.

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