Donald Trump’s “friends” are running for the exits

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All creatures, big and small require friendships to sustain them. Many of our outdoor friends travel in packs where they help and protect each other. It’s a good idea that they do as nighttime can hold many dangers. But there is one creature, who is rapidly losing any friends that he had, not that these people were ever REALLY his friends, you understand.

In Donald Trump’s mind perhaps they WERE his friends. They were the bearers of his secrets, they carried the heavy burdens of dishonesty and deception. And I suppose, for this creature, he may have thought they’d never betray him. After all, he was, the head creature, the king bee, so naturally, they would all maintain loyalty to him.

Until they didn’t. So, as you know, Mark Meadows has been granted immunity by Jack Smith. It’s an incredible unfolding story. Meadows is the big kahuna. Of any of Trump’s so-called friends, who know where the bodies are buried, (and make no mistake there’s lots and lots of bodies), it would be Meadows.

This comes on the same day Jenna Ellis takes a plea deal. It’s just not going to get any better for Donald Trump. Every day now from here to prison eternity, Trump will lose more “friends.” If Trump thought they were his friends before, he’s having a very nasty realization right now.

For these people come from the same islands as Trump. These are the islands of lies, of casual betrayal, of looking out for number one. Trump has been doing that all his life but the problem for him is the people he let get close to him are birds of a feather.

Birds of a feather know and recognize each other and for these people, they could easily smell out the grift, the con, the lies, the sociopathy. Yet it seems Donald Trump never thought about what would happen if they all turned their back on him, if they all betrayed him.

He never thought about the ending. He never thought about what would happen if he had nobody. Trump thought he was conning them but in reality he’s the one who got conned. He dared to believe that these birds of a feather, these nocturnal and greedy creatures, actually cared about him, actually loved him. How utterly ironic for Donald Trump. How fitting and how utterly perfect.

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