Today is about to be one of Donald Trump’s worst days yet

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Michael Cohen is testifying against Donald Trump today, in a civil trial that’s on track to bankrupt Trump financially – and that may not even be the worst thing that happens to Trump today.

With Sidney Powell and Kenneth Chesebro having flipped on Trump, the other dozen-plus remaining defendants are now certainly trying to decide whether to also hurry up and flip before all the lenient deals are gone. So it won’t be shocking if one or more additional people cut deals against Trump today or this week.

Over the weekend the news broke that Jack Smith has already interviewed the Australian billionaire with whom Donald Trump shared classified military information, meaning Trump could end up with additional criminal charges at any time.

And this is all happening even as Trump just came off his most senile day ever yesterday, with a surreal number of moments where nothing coherent or sane was coming out of his mouth. This guy is rapidly in the process of losing everything, and he barely seems to even know where he’s at. He’s not in a position to stop what’s happening to him, even if any of it could be stopped.

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