House GOP goes even further down the rabbit hole

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Adversity can hit people in different ways. Likewise, how people respond to adversity can tell you an awful lot about someone. Right now, adversity has hit the GOP. Not that they saw it coming. They should have. We have known since the GOP won back the House that they’d screw it up somehow. Past behavior is a great predictor of future behavior, and the GOP’s past behavior is nothing but cowardice.

What they did and are doing shows how they handle adversity. They ran. They scattered like a group of scared rabbits in a field. They had choices. For example, as soon as it became clear where this House Speaker mess was going, Republicans could have immediately reached out to the Dems. They did not.

As soon as Gym lost on the first ballot, they could have called an end to his campaign. They did not. As soon as Gym’s campaign was over, they could have announced they were going to work through the weekend and would not stop until they had a new speaker. They did not.

They could have given interviews, expressing enthusiasm and reassurance. They did not. Instead, what Republicans did was start to fight and block each other on social media.

They skedaddled away from Capitol Hill for the weekend because, of course, there wasn’t much work to be done (extreme sarcasm.) Some Republicans talked and are talking, about quitting. They’re throwing up their hands. They’re saying it’s broken, and we can’t fix it.

Republicans have shown their response to adversity is to lie, bully, run away, threaten, argue, and destroy. Not exactly what the American people want right now. Now, I’m not saying adversity is easy. It isn’t. But these Republicans hold some of the most essential jobs.

They are SUPPOSED to be leaders. They are supposed to hold themselves out as examples. Instead, they’ve done what no politician should ever do. They’ve gone down the rabbit hole. These rabbit holes are always there, waiting to trip up unsuspecting leaders who may not know they’ve fallen in until it’s too late.

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