Donald Trump is giving a completely senile Iowa speech right now

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One day after the Republican House failed to give him the shutdown that he desperately wanted, Donald Trump is giving a speech today in Iowa. The guy just keeps taking blow after blow – his civil fraud trial starts tomorrow – yet he still has to periodically go out there and pretend he’s a candidate. As Trump’s cognitive abilities vanish under the pressure of his life collapsing, Trump’s speeches keep getting more bizarre.

At one point during his meandering “speech” today, Trump said that he wasn’t worried about Ron DeSantis at all, only to then apparently spend the next seventeen minutes ranting about… Ron DeSantis. If Trump isn’t worried about DeSantis, then why is he talking ad nauseum about DeSantis? Trump is like Grandpa Simpson at this point.

This comes after Trump gave a speech in California a few days ago in which he claimed that people in Beverly Hills all smell bad because there’s no water for showering, and that people in Beverly Hills are now leaving their cars unlocked so people can steal their tires.

Donald Trump is simply senile. He’s a lot of other things. But he’s also senile. It’s well past time that we all start talking, loudly, about this fact. Trump’s senility can finish him politically before his criminal trials can. It’s time we all talk about how this guy’s cognitive abilities have collapsed to just about zero.

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