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I will start this article by sharing this theory with you that perhaps you will not agree with, but I intend to use evidence to prove my theory correct! I predict Donald Trump‘s true Safe-haven, his home, away from home, the place where he could truly be himself, and enjoy is prison.

No, no, you might say! Donald Trump is used to opulence and luxury. He could never be happy in prison. Really now? Let us take a look back at Donald John Trump‘s life. He’s had money, he’s had power, he’s had as I stated above, opulence. He’s had more opulence in one day than most people get in a lifetime.

And he’s miserable. Always he’s miserable. In another article I wrote for Palmer Report, I remarked upon how pitiful it is that Donald Trump doesn’t laugh. Those big belly laughs that comes straight from the soul.

Laughter, of course is one of the joys of life, when we laugh, we become liquid, we flow effortlessly, because we are happy, and we are expressing that happiness through laughter. But Trump, I don’t believe has ever laughed like that.

How sad that must be! How torturous it must be to be angry all the time. But there are times when we see Donald Trump happy or what passes for happiness in his warped brain. It is when he is worshiped. That, more than anything, more than the money, and power, and the presidency, and all the useless golden toilets he reportedly has, fulfills him.

It’s all he talks about. It’s all he craves, and I am sure were he to be ensconced in a prison in an orange jumpsuit, surrounded by other jump-suited inmates, he perhaps could find contentment.

For there would be among these prisoners , I’m sure, some who would give Donald the worship that he craves. Yes, how could there not be some in there, who might think they loved him? People who would look at inmate P01135809 with devoted fawn eyes?

Can’t you just see it? Let me set the scene. Donald Trump, the center of the universe! Surrounded by other inmates, listening admiringly to his stories.

“And yes, it was the biggest election stealing in the world. I was robbed, stolen election, I mean they knew what they were doing there. Very bad people very bad people.”

Some of the inmates would eat it up. Of course he probably wouldn’t be in Gen pop, but that doesn’t mean he wouldn’t see other prisoners and make friends with them perhaps during recreational hour.

Yes, I could see the real life Truman show that is Donald Trump slowly cutting away, the scene slowly starts to flicker and get darker and more muted as finally after all these years, the finale is reaching its peak…

And then we see those words we’ve long to see for years now. The end. And the camera cuts away with Donald Trump joyously in his element, in the one place he never thought he’d be, the one place that welcomes him ,that embraces him, that adores him, his true soulmate and safe-haven. Prison. Yes, I could see this.

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