Donald Trump’s attorneys are losing their minds

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In the wake of Trump’s (many. many) indictments, many a lawyer for Trump appear to be losing their minds. They have done EVERYTHING — virtually EVERYTHING — to try to mess up the investigation, to try to get Trump off the hook.

Of course, they cannot. But some of these attorneys seem unaware of this fact, as the following utterly hilarious story will show you. Trump’s attorneys are now begging — BEGGING Judge Cannon to intercede and punish Jack Smith for daring to prosecute the man of the golden toilets.

Take “appropriate action,” they begged her. “A special council committed to the fair administration of justice should never have circumvented this court’s orders under any circumstance.”

Say WHAT? Oh dear. Looks like Trump’s got some real winners on his legal team! Precisely WHAT do they expect Cannon to do? I’m sure they want her to dismiss the case. This will not happen under any circumstances, and even if it did, Smith would have it before the eleventh circuit faster than these lawyers could say “I screwed up.”

The fact is Judge Cannon is a tiny grain of sand next to a magnificent sandcastle, that castle being Jack Smith. She has little to no power, certainly not the type of power to get Trump’s case dismissed and Trump’s lawyers are likely doing this because they HAVE nothing else.

It’s tremendously amusing to watch these lawyers — and their insane client — repeatedly fall flat on their faces. What’s next? Perhaps these lawyers will argue that Trump deserves the Novel Peace Prize. If I were Trump (and thank goodness I’m not), I’d be thinking of hiring more attorneys about now.

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