Ted Cruz shorts out

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Good day readers! I had a tough morning. I got into a fight with my washing machine, which was spying on me. It gets worse. SO WAS MY DRYER! And all around me, I felt the eyes of my household appliances boring into me. Just kidding. Well — sort of. No, I was not spied on by any of my appliances. Only Ted Cruz thinks these appliances ARE playing “I Spy.” Apparently, for Cruz, it is not just the walls that have ears — it’s also the appliances.

Cruz has been pushing for a law to inform people whether THEIR appliances are their friends or spying enemies He even delivered a speech about it. He requested unanimous consent to pass what is called the “Smart Devices Act.” This would order appliance manufacturers to disclose if, say, a refrigerator had a camera on it.

Now it IS true that privacy is becoming a thing of the past. However, I do think taking steps to fight your fryers,grills, refrigerators, and washing machines takes this a bit too far.

The Fort Worth Star-Telegram put it beautifully: “Senator Ted Cruz has authored legislation that just might win over that small but vocal — and, dare I say, paranoid — part of the population that thinks everyone and everything is spying on them.”

By the way, Cruz did not get unanimous consent. That doesn’t mean the spy battle is over. Cruz is apparently making this a priority. And I’m on the side of the air fryers, washing machines, and dishwashers. They’ve been good companions to us; I think they’ve proven they’re not spies. Leave it to Ted Cruz to suggest an absurd bill like this.

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