Donald Trump Jr goes all the way off the deep end

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Donald Trump Junior. Daddy’s little fixer. King of videos that don’t make any sense. On July Fourth, Papa’s darling little angel decided to post a video. And it was — something else again.

First, the words: “Guys, I hope you’re out there enjoying this incredible 4th of July weekend. Hopefully, you’re outside doing something fun with your family, celebrating this incredible country of ours.”

Nor a bad message. No, the problem is not with the WORDS. The problem is with dear little Junior himself. Junior seemed off his game. He appeared disheveled and kind of spacey. He held a cigar. His whole presentation seemed like an out-of-it zombie; believe me, Twitter noticed. In fact, some of the responses were hilarious:

“Cokeahontas strikes again.”

“I’m just surprised he isn’t singing “Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.” If you know what I mean.”

“Don Jr. on the snort of July.”

“Junior demands red, white, and blue cocaine on July fourth.”

“Junior’s a mess.”

“give it a rest, Junior.”

“Mr. Junior, you can’t snort the white stripes on the flag..”

“Like father, like son.”

“you and your CLAN are traitors.”

“And happy coke day to you, Junior!”

“Happy birthday USA without trump interference.”

“stop talking.”

“grift, grift, grift, grift, grift, grift.”

“trump Junior starter prison kit.”

“give it up, junior.”

“a day in the life of a loser.”

As you can see, things aren’t going all too well for Junior. I am really not sure why he continues to make these rambling videos, but it appears Junior has a fondness for them. And Twitter absolutely has a fondness for them as well.

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