Clarence Thomas in a nutshell

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“Self-hate” encompasses continued feelings of inadequacy, guilt and low self-esteem” says Psychology Today. And it’s true. There is a lot of hate out there but some of it is hatred toward the self. Any number of reasons could be behind the self-hate. But I’d like to talk about one .

It is the self-hate of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. And yes, I believe Thomas hates himself. I think he hates himself for being a Black man. Others feel this way too. This was apparent on C-Span when a caller, speaking of Thomas, said they think he suffers from “Self-Black hate.”

“That man has a lot of self-black hate” the caller said. “If you look at all the decisions that he has made, it’s been against his own race.” How true. And how sad. Thomas, in his rulings and in his opinions, seems like someone with a heck of a lot of resentment for his own race.

And that begs the question as to why. Was he simply born like this? I am not so sure of that. Thomas himself was a recipient of Affirmative Action. though he sure seems determined that nobody else be.

When one is reading his Judicial opinions, one can pick up more than just disagreement. I pick up repulsion on the part of Thomas. I pick up resentment and vehement dislike — for his own people.

And it’s a shame. Think of the good this man could have done for the Black community. Instead it would seem to me that he is trying to sabotage them.

It would be lovely if Thomas could change his feelings of repulsion and self-hate and look at himself with love. Likewise, it would be wonderful if he could understand that Black is beautiful. Alas, he’s quite far gone and there doesn’t appear to be any coming back to sanity and rational behavior where Thomas is concerned.

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