Donald Trump is about to have 45 more problems

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The wolves are howling. This is a common expression. It is a tribute of sorts, a tribute to the hunt. And in the case of a certain traitor, the wolves are doing more than howling. After all, they got their man. But now they’re possibly going to get him AGAIN.

That’s right. It’s being reported that Donald Trump is possibly going to be hit with a whole bunch of new charges — as many as 30-45. That’s a hungry pack of wolves, is it not? Trump prosecutors are considering what is called a “superseding indictment.” This could possibly include even more serious charges.

The prosecutors could bring them in Florida. But other venues are reportedly also being considered. Reportedly too, the Prosecutors are watching Judge Cannon closely. If they feel she is showing undue prejudice toward Donald Trump, they may choose to drop these other charges in another state.

The prosecutors would use evidence against Trump that has not been made public. There is also the claim that other recordings of Trump incriminating himself exist. It is also being said that others around Trump might be charged.

Rudy Giuliani is one of them. Sources say although the disgraced former New York mayor had his “queen for a day” moment, that does not mean he will not yet be charged. It just means he may avoid SOME indictments.

Oh, boy, is this shaping up to be the summer of love! The love of lady Justice as she dots her I’s and crosses her t’s, where Donald Trump is concerned. So as we head into July (Happy soon to be fourth, readers), it seems we head into it with possibly MORE indictments coming at Donald Trump. Will he break the record for most indictments ever? It would not surprise me at all.

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