GOP Governor Greg Abbott sinks to a whole new low

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Construction workers. Landscape architects. Carpenters. These are the people who make the nuts and bolts of society work as well as they do. These people often work outdoors in grueling temperatures and unrelenting heat, And they are the foundation of this earth, shaping her beauty.

Only apparently, Texas Governor Greg Abbott doesn’t think so. Because he’s just signed a bill cutting required water breaks for these people. Texas laborers worked under strict regulations requiring them to have mandated water breaks every few hours.

Not anymore! Apparently, Greg Abbott is pissed at DeSantis for leaving him behind in the cruelty department and he’s trying to catch up quickly. Have you ever stood in the heat of a Texas sun? I have. I have, and it’s brutal and uncomfortable and harsh — for five MINUTES. Try five HOURS. Or eight. Or ten.

Texas is currently Numero Uno of all states for heat-related worker deaths. It’s good to see Abbott wants to keep that trend going! (sarcasm.)

“We will see more deaths,” the deputy director of policy at the Texas AFL-CIO said. Making matters worse is that Texas is experiencing a record heat wave. Abbott doesn’t CARE. He really doesn’t. As good as we did in the midterms, one regret I have is that we didn’t take Texas — because we would have saved many lives if Beto was the current governor.

What can you do? Protest. Tweet about it. Make people aware of it. If you live in Texas or know people who do, tell THEM to protest. This can’t be allowed to stand. The law will take effect at the beginning of September. This legislation is a threat to lives, so let’s do everything we can to raise awareness.

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