Donald Trump is going to hate this

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Miami is a city that breathes. It’s alive, infused with its own energy. The strange, the bizarre, and the downright freakish — it all happens in Miami. And on 6/13/2023, perhaps the most bizarre of things happened. A former president and current traitor self-surrendered.

Donald Trump was under arrest for a while. Just take that in. Donald Trump was UNDER ARREST. And after it was all over, in the aftermath, Donald Trump stood up at his golf resort in New Jersey and said these words: “Political prosecution.”

Trump said this was all about prosecuting one’s political enemies. He said we want to destroy him. Trump also celebrated his birthday. The traitor turns 77 this week. “I just got charged,” he said, adding that it was “a wonderful birthday.”

No, it wasn’t. I imagine for that brief time in custody, Trump felt rage, impotence, and anger. This is because his life was not his own. It was in the hands of court officials. But still, he lies. Donald Trump will always see himself as a victim. This is not because he loves himself. It’s because he hates himself.

It’s true. We all know it. The maladaptive behavior that Trump demonstrates on a daily basis, comes from a yawning hole inside that will never be fed enough to close. This hole is his emptiness.

Trump likes to play the tough guy, and he did do that after his court hearing with this absurd speech. But anyone who knows Trump, knows the speech was filled with falsities. And anyone who knows human nature knows the truth. That there is nobody, not you or me or anyone on this earth who hates Donald Trump as much as Donald Trump.

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