Donald Trump’s arrest today has driven him completely off the deep end

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As criminal Donald Trump surrenders in Miami, it appears he did not get a good night of sleep. Trump lost it on truth social hours before he was to turn himself in, in Miami. His usual state of mind is bonkers and true to form, Trump did not disappoint in his taste for idiocy.

The first thing Trump did is label Jack Smith, a thug. Now I don’t know about you readers, but if I was indicted federally on multiple accounts, I would not be going online and labeling the person who did the indicting a thug. I’m sure this will not endear Jack Smith to him, but Trump does not appear to care about that.

And then Trump launched into yet another spanking new defense! Jack Smith framed him and planted the documents.Wow, that is one for the history books! I’m trying to imagine Trump standing up in court and saying “I’m innocent Your Honor. I was framed ,the documents, were all planted in my bathroom with golden toilets, and in my shower, and on the floor of the stage of my ballroom.”

Could a UFO defense be far behind? After all, UFOs have found their way into mainstream conversation lately. It would not surprise me at all if Trump changes his defense explains that little silver men, first seen by Marco Rubio, were spotted in his shower, meticulously piling up stacks of documents. I mean it could happen couldn’t it? He’s that stupid. He really is.

In the meantime, Trump will be spending the day in court. This is getting to be a regular thing for Trump and who knows what he will do tonight. Scream at Jack Smith on truth social? Look for shiny little man in cornfields? Throw ketchup against the walls ? With Trump, the possibilities are endless.

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