Tucker Carlson is up to his old tricks

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Remember Tucker Carlson? The fired ex-Fox News host reappeared on Twitter in a new short commentary video, which apparently will be a series as it was entitled “episode one.” Tucker claimed without any evidence in support that Ukraine was responsible for the destruction of a large river dam in southern Ukraine that is causing horrendous flooding, suffering, and economic disaster to the Ukrainian people.

The actual evidence of the party responsible for this heinous war crime points to none other than Vladimir Putin and the Kremlin. So it appears that Tucker is up to his former old tricks in parroting talking points given to him by the puppet master Putin, who apparently is pulling Tuck Boy’s strings.

I had long suspected that Carlson was a Russian propagandist posing as an American talk show host. He has proven it by his continued public support of unlawful Russian aggression against a peaceful neighbor and the world.

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