It’s all coming out in real time

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There’s a moment in the West Wing where one character says “The die has been cast,” and another responds with “There’s a moment after you cast the die but before it hits the table.” That’s where it feels like we are right now. DOJ Special Counsel Jack Smith has already put Donald Trump’s criminal indictment in motion. There’s no going back. There’s no undoing it. It’s happening. And it’s happening momentarily. But in the remaining moment before the indictment hits the table, everyone is taking their very last shot at positioning themselves.

It’s why we’re now seeing someone putting it out there, for instance, that Mark Meadows has already testified against Donald Trump to the grand jury. Why is this coming out now? Someone (perhaps Meadows) wants it known right now.

It’s why we’re seeing Bill Barr going on television and predicting that Trump is going down, while declaring that Trump only has himself to blame. Barr knows Trump is going to prison for this, and Barr is taking his futile last shot at trying to get himself on the right side of history.

It’s perhaps even why Saudi Arabia is suddenly cashing in on the LIV golf tour by merging it with the PGA, and shutting down the LIV brand in the process. After all, Jack Smith’s criminal probe reportedly includes Trump’s financial dealings with LIV, and Trump’s financial dealings with foreign governments.

If you’re looking to get something out there (or get out from under something) before Jack Smith indicts Donald Trump, there’s no time like the present. You’d better make it happen today, because the indictment could happen tomorrow. We’re in that kind of a shortened timeframe, and everyone knows it.

For that matter, in the short time between when I’ve written this article and you’ve read it, even more news related to Jack Smith’s Trump probe will likely have surfaced. That’s because it’s a race now. Everyone is trying to get themselves into the position they want to be in by the time the indictment happens. The die has been cast. It’s just a matter of it hitting the table.

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