Jack Smith’s walk off

He could have been anyone. Just another stranger making his way down the streets of Washington, D.C. He walked silently but like a man with a purpose. And although, yes, the stranger could have been anyone, there was a certain quiet ferocity in his movements, a certain mystique.

In D.C. one never knows who the stranger beside you may be. A politician? A news pundit? A congressman or someone else reeking of power? D.C. is the hub of power. It’s Power-Centric, and it is not uncommon to see a power-maker or two strolling down any one of the winding streets in the city.

And on this day, a reporter spotted one such person. It was the silent stranger. And there was instant recognition. Jack! What’s going on with Trump? Are you going to bring criminal charges? The man continued to walk in silence.

The reporter was NBC News’s Gary Grumbach. And it makes sense why he’d want information. He’s hardly the only one. The world is basically on the precipice, waiting for the hammer to fall. Jack, Jack. The reporter began peppering the walking man with questions.

Of course, all of these questions were about Donald Trump. And information is always there to be pried from the keepers of such secrets. That’s what reporters do. They unfold the secrets. But the man walking D.C.’s political streets had not wavered before, and he wasn’t about to waver now.

When he released those secrets, the whole world would learn them together. He continued his walk. He ignored the reporter. And as he was peppered with questions, he quietly continued his stroll en route to somewhere, perhaps to a Grand jury, vanishing around the bend. Just another keeper of D.C. secrets, waiting for the day, not from now, when those secrets are learned by all the world simultaneously.

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