Rocks for brains

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I don’t know if Tommy Tuberville was born with rocks for brains or not. All I know is if he wasn’t, he sure is doing a good job trying to SHOW the American people he was. Perhaps other things conspired to make Tuberville as brainless as he is. Perhaps he was hit by a football at a young age or something. Because with him, it’s more than stupidity. The man likely has not one working brain cell to spare.

This was evident in his remarks that the Trump verdict would only make him want to vote for Trump twice. Way to go Tommy for showing the American people just how much of an idiot you REALLY are. But Tuberville was not done with the stupid. This is not surprising. One thing about stupid people — they never really know when to shut up.

Tuberville has now reportedly claimed that President Joe Biden is trying to destroy America. How is he doing this? In Tommy’s pint-sized brain, Biden is doing this by trying to weed out Nazis, extremists, and white nationalists from the United States Military.

When Tuberbille was asked whether he thought those white nationalists, idiots, bigots, etc. should serve, Tuberville replied with Tuberville stupidity: “They call them that,” the intelligence-starved Tuberville declared. “I call them Americans.”

Tuberville then began to rant that white nationalists and extremists ‘don’t fit Joe Biden’s agenda.” You just can’t make this shit up. My heart does indeed go out to all Alabamans for having a brainless fool for a senator.

However, Tommy must have become worried because later, his office attempted to clarify his idiotic statements claiming he was just expressing skepticism that there ARE any white nationalists at all in the military. “What a scumbag,” remarked Twitter users proving that, indeed, Tommy Tuberville wins the stupid award — at least for this week.

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