What Kevin McCarthy doesn’t get

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It’s deeply important to question that which one doesn’t understand. There is always knowledge to be learned, and many questions do not have easy answers. But one question recently asked was so mindbogglingly stupid that it was hard to believe it was asked at all.

“Why can’t we be proud of America?” This absurd question was asked by the House Speaker, Kevin McCarthy. If one were to make a list of all of Kevin’s stupid comments, this remark would surely top the list.

Kevin was reacting to a new poll that said focus on religion and the desire to have children were declining. Kevin was indignant and equated this to not being proud of one’s country

Calling the poll results “concerning,” Kevin belched his outrage to reporters, declaring: “To think to this day that people don’t honor the patriotism of a sacrifice that these men and women have provided to bring this freedom.”

“This is shocking to me,” Kev went on. Kevin then asked that absurd question adding that America is about the notion that “we are all equal and that we strive to be a more perfect union.”

I very rarely tear people apart the way I am about to tear McCarthy apart. Nor do I usually answer politicians, but this one cries out for an answer. Kevin — it is you who hates America. It is YOU who feels no pride for America. And the world knows it, which is why your time as a speaker has made you even more of a laughing stock than you were before.

You accuse people of not being proud of America because they do not want to sit at home and have babies all day? You say America is founded on the notion we are all equal.

Tell that to the women whose rights you have tried your best to take away. Tell that to the LGTBQ children whose rights you’ve trampled on. And tell that to the children, all of whom you’ve shown you couldn’t care less about.

Democrats are deeply proud of America. We’re just not proud of some of the so-called Americans IN America — like you. You are an impostor, Kevin. Do you know what an impostor is? It is someone who pretends to be something they’re not. You, Kevin, pretend every day. You’re a poser, babbling on about a more perfect union. You don’t know the meaning of the words.

And I’ve got news for you. We’re taking back the house in 2024, and though I doubt you will last till then as a speaker anyway, once the house leaves your sleazy fingers and comes back to us, your political career is o-v-e-r. THAT is something that will be worth being proud of.

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