There’s something wrong with Sarah Huckabee Sanders

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Please allow me, dear friends and readers, to tell you a story. This story is about the event that occurred AFTER President Biden’s State of the Union speech. It is about the GOP response. And there is much to tell because this response was most definitely one for the history books.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders was the chosen one, picked by the GOP to give the Republican response. As the cameras honed in and the Republican response began, I felt the foreboding winds of darkness and doom arrive. There should have been music. There should have been some dark and doomsday music because all the other ingredients were in place.

The speaker of the words of doom looked refreshingly normal — and that was a good thing because nothing else in that room could possibly be called normal. Sanders began to speak. Her voice sounding almost eerily soft, she talked about “theories about dark rituals” and woke democratic mobs of people.

“Every day,” the narrator of the dystopian speech from hell said, we must partake in their rituals. Cue scary music. No, there was none, but there might as well have been. Continuing with the backdrop of bright blue furniture, the soft-voiced soothsayer continued her premonitions of imminent doom.

And as I watched and listened, a strange thing began to happen to me. I felt like I was peering into a place I shouldn’t be — that EVERYBODY was, in fact, doing the same. I felt like we were witnessing the REAL truth of the political party from hell and seeing their REAL habitat. Dracula’s castle.

Seriously friends, did you not feel it? The setting started to darken before my eyes. As the words rolled off of Sander’s tongue, one could sense the utter gloom and damnation permeating the GOP’S ‘s worldview.

“That was the weirdest sort of dystopian speech I think I’ve ever heard since American carnage,” said Washington Post columnist Eugene Robinson. Indeed it was. One would have thought the apocalypse was on the way listening to this strange foreboding world of the GOP.

I guess I do not need to say that Sanders did not exactly knock it out of the park. However, she showed the world why nobody with any grain of sense should ever cast their vote for the dark and ghoulish world of the republicans.

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