Hillary Clinton ran a great campaign and I can prove it

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Hillary Clinton is releasing her book about the 2016 election, and she’s placing the bulk of the blame for her loss on herself. But she’s also pointing out some of the other culprits involved, including the media and the fringe left, prompting them to fire back by accusing her of having run a poor campaign. However, that’s a silly claim. Hillary ran a great campaign, and I can prove it.

Hillary faced a general election opponent in Donald Trump who was criminally conspiring with a major foreign government to rig the election in his favor. She also faced a mainstream media that was intent on giving Trump a free pass by not vetting him, and free advertising by airing his rallies in full, because it didn’t want to lose its ratings cash cow. Finally, Hillary faced an FBI Director who went rogue eleven days before the election by releasing a letter which falsely claimed that she was under criminal investigation when she wasn’t. These aren’t excuses; they’re facts. And yet she still won the election by three million votes.

But she screwed up by not spending enough time in Wisconsin and Michigan, right? Wrong. She had those two states locked up, until James Comey sent his letter and frightened her least-sure voters into staying home. There was no way she could have anticipated Comey’s letter โ€“ and it came so late that there was no way to properly adjust strategy after the fact. Whatever you think Comey’s subsequent efforts to stand up to Donald Trump, the cold hard reality remains that he misled the public about a presidential nominee just days before election day, because he was assuming she would win and he was trying to cover his own ass for after the fact.

But wait, Hillary stole the nomination, right? No, she didn’t. The Democratic Party just handed her the nomination, right? No, it didn’t. These are insultingly fictional accusations on the part of some very sore losers on the left. If Hillary and the DNC had wanted to conspire against Bernie Sanders, they would have disqualified him from running because he wasn’t a registered Democrat. Instead they welcomed him into the race with open arms. In return, some of Bernie’s fans immediately began spinning one phony conspiracy about a “rigged primary” after another โ€“ and those lies ended up being yet another ridiculous obstacle for Hillary to have to overcome.

In the end, Hillary won the Democratic primary race fair and square in a multimillion vote blowout. Despite the nonstop false claims of Bernie’s fans, the superdelegates were never a factor. Even after the DNC’s emails were hacked and released, all they did was prove that the DNC treated Bernie as fairly as possible. Those emails also showed quite a bit of incompetence on the DNC’s part, and Debbie Wasserman Schulz paid the price for it. But that email leak ironically proved that the primary was a fair contest. The DNC only began talking about ways to nudge Bernie out of the race after he had already lost and was inexplicably refusing to drop out.

Hillary won the primary race in a blowout, despite the media having spent the entire time obsessively lying about an essentially imaginary email scandal. This was even as the media never did push Bernie to release his tax returns or his medical records, never did vet the most questionable parts of his legislative record, and never did acknowledge that from Super Tuesday onward, he was hopelessly behind by millions of votes. The media routinely touted state level polls to give the false impression that Bernie was leading or competitive nationally, when in fact he was getting blown out nationally.

The media also babbled endlessly about the irrelevant superdelegates, even as Hillary amassed a huge lead in regular delegates, giving the false impression that she was only winning because of the superdelegates. The media gave a lot more free advertising to Trump than it did to Bernie, but it consistently allowed them both to write their own narratives by airing their rally speeches on a daily basis. Even if you’re the biggest Bernie fan in the world, if you’re being honest in hindsight, you know that the media gave him a free pass through the primary while it consistently demonized Hillary. Hell, the media managed to convince you that he was in close contention throughout, when he was getting blown out in the popular vote from March onward. The media lied to everyone involved, including you โ€“ no matter which side you were on.

In fact the political reporters now attacking Hillary’s book are some of the same ones who spent the entire election flat out lying about her. It’s always great ratings to falsely scandalize the frontrunner while propping up the underdog, and most of the media didn’t hesitate to play that game. Hillary’s mere continued existence serves as a reminder of how thoroughly and inexcusably complicit the media is in Trump’s rise and the damage he’s currently doing to America. It’s why the media keeps trying to shush her now. It’s why the media is attacking her book without having any idea what’s even in it. They want her to go away, so we’ll forget that Trump is their fault.

Meanwhile the media rarely aired Hillary’s own words, and instead spent most of its time lying about her emails. The media ignored Hillary when she talked policy, and only aired her when she went after Trump, and then falsely claimed that she didn’t spent enough time talking policy. Major news outlets gambled that they could spent the entire election scandalizing and demonizing Hillary while giving a free ride to her opponents, and that their ratings cash-grab wouldn’t impact the final outcome anyway. They gambled wrong. The media didn’t understand the impact of Trump-Russia collusion, and didn’t see the Comey letter coming. Combined, they all conspired to rig the election against Hillary Clinton.

Again, these aren’t excuses. They’re just the facts. If you’re not aware of any of the above, it’s because you were misled or you weren’t paying attention. Despite the media placing its thumb on the other side of the scale in both the primary race and the general election, Hillary Clinton won them both in multimillion vote blowouts. Despite Russia and the FBI trying to sabotage her, Hillary still blew out Trump. She ran a great campaign. The end results prove it. Anyone claiming otherwise is peddling fiction. If you find Palmer Report valuable, make a donation.

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