Call it when you see it

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I want to point you toward an excellent article in the Washington Post, calling for accountability — from the media. This article suggests that ‘election night” be put out to pasture — at least election night in its current form — because of how misleading early data is and how little this data actually tells you.

It also says this: “The news media had never owned our own role in botching the 2020 election night by making it sound as though Donald Trump was piling up leads all over the place when we always knew that most of the mail-in votes were going to come from Democrats and be counted later.”

It is refreshing indeed to read an article that understands and calls out the grave damage the media can do. Much misinformation comes from not just Maga but our own falsely painted “liberal media.” And we have to start talking about that.

I implore you that if you are watching or listening to a certain result and it sounds like “something’s fishy” or not right — if it sounds like the media is “doing a number on you,” you turn it off. There is nothing other than that that can get through to them.

“Let’s cancel this phony biennial election show,” the article goes on. “I’ll miss the fun and finality of a good election night as much as anyone. But I’d miss a functioning democracy even more.”

In the future, we really have to consider ushering out the old and celebrating the new. This world is not the same world it once was, so it stands to reason certain things must be done differently. We have our work cut out for us, but it will be fun work, and we can accomplish it if we all stick together.

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