Hey Republicans, get over it!

With many contests still up in the air, we may have a divided government with Republicans taking the House and Democrats retaining control of the Senate. John Fetterman successfully flipped the seat held by Pat Toomey to blue, but it is difficult to understand why Georgia’s Senate seat is heading to a runoff. Who in their right mind voted for Herschel Walker? Yes, that’s a rhetorical question because it’s obvious that no one with any sense would vote for that man. Contrary to the polls, however, Senator Warnock has the lead; he just didn’t get the 50% required to win in Georgia. The final polls tell the story: Walker received so few Black votes that he might as well have received none. Bloomberg reported that Donald Trump isn’t happy, and that’s news enough to celebrate.

Overall, election day wasn’t bad-except Ron Johnson won. Most of the election deniers were defeated in their respective races, though we will have to deal with J.D. Vance in the senate. One of the biggest election deniers, Kari Lake of Arizona, quickly began spouting nonsense about the election even as she awaits the results of her race. Her opponent, Katie Hobbs, had a totally different viewpoint for her supporters, pointing out that Lake was already talking trash about the election. It would be wonderful for Lake to lose. The more of these deniers we keep out of office the better. We will never get back to believing in our system if people like Lake are around. You must honestly wonder how much these people even believe their own foolishness as much as they just like keeping controversy going. Besides, their mentor and his 37% approval rating isn’t helping them much. They would do better supporting Ron DeSantis, who literally ran away with the governor’s race in Florida, but who will be much more dangerous than Donald Trump could ever be. DeSantis isn’t an idiot, and he overwhelmingly took the Latino vote, which went with President Biden in 2020. He is far more dangerous than Trump. On the bright side, however, we did get to witness some historic victories.

Alex Padilla, whom Governor Newsom tapped to fill the remainder of Vice President Harris’s term, won his seat and will be the first elected Latino Senator from California. Also in California, Shirley Weber is the state’s first Black secretary of state, whom Newsom chose to fill Padilla’s seat. It seems that Newsom made some good appointments. Rob Bonta is California’s first elected Filipino America attorney general, and Robert Garcia is the first LGBTQ immigrant elected to Congress. This means that Republicans who are against everything not white, heterosexual, and male need to get over it. Connecticut also has its first Black female secretary of state, and Maxwell Frost of Florida is the first Gen Z member of Congress, taking Val Deming’s seat. This list of “firsts” is much longer, but it gives us some insight into the good changes taking shape across the country. Now, if we can only get rid of Republicans.

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