They’re getting even worse

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The GOP has unabashedly continued their slide into authoritarianism with a base of voters that know exactly what they’re doing and aren’t particularly shy about it. So they decided to act like fascist thugs by standing at ballot drop off boxes and intimidating voters – but it never occurred to them that they might always run into someone bigger than they were at the polls. Arizona, where two key elections are being held this year, for both governor and senate, is one of the states where voter intimidation tactics have gotten media attention.

Melody Jennings, the leader of a group called Clean Elections USA, went on Steve Bannon’s podcast to complain about how she’s being mistreated by people on Twitter who have already taken pictures of the unwanted dropoff box watchers and are spreading their faces on social media. Jennings decided to frame herself as the real victim who is being intimidated, even though her group’s mission has been to keep from voting the people they don’t want to vote.

The moral of the story is that people like Jennings are cowards who work by hoping they can scare people into complying and letting them have their way – and they’re usually easily startled when it doesn’t happen. That’s why it’s important that we keep our numbers high and turn out in droves for Nov 8 – the one thing that no amount of cheating can overcome.

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