John Fetterman gets the best of the media’s ridiculous attacks

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The media backlash has begun. As you know, the media has spent a great deal of time trying to smear Pennsylvania Senatorial candidate John Fetterman for daring to have a stroke. The media has been accused of Ableism. They have been smarmy. And it all culminated in an interview Fetterman did with NBC Reporter Dasha Burns.

Burns, in my humble opinion, should be fired. She did not conduct an interview; she conducted a snotty smear campaign where she concentrated on Fetterman using close captioning. She also smarmily commented that Fetterman did not understand some of the things she said. Hello, ableism!

Other reporters who have interviewed him quickly came forward to state this was not the case and Fetterman understood everything. Before one could utter the words “incompetent journalism,” the backlash had begun.

Thousands of people — maybe millions were furious- and were deeply hurt by the malicious antics of some in the media, including Burns:

“I hope you’re fired,” hundreds wrote.

“Way to attack people with disabilities.”

“So, should deaf people not be allowed in the Senate?”

Lawyers said that if Fetterman wanted to sue NBC, he’d perhaps have a case. The comments piled on, one on top of the other, and before you knew it…. John Fetterman had raised over one million dollars. Since the interview.

And the donations are still happening. And that’s a good thing. Because frankly? NBC and Burns deserve all the negative feedback .AND Fetterman deserves to win — because he’s a great candidate. So let’s got Fetterman up to two million! If you can afford to donate — now’s the time!

He is likely getting closer as I write this. The donations just keep coming — from GOOD people — AMERICAN people who have souls and caring hearts, and who know that having a disability does not ever mean one is not fit to serve — to conquer the world — to do ANYTHING they want to do.

So thanks, people! This is not really a story of the media. It’s a story of the inspiration of millions who, as we all come together in the final weeks, will get a wonderful, strong, and accomplished man – John Fetterman — over the finish line.

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