The echoing madness of Donald Trump

“THE PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION OF 2020 WAS RIGGED AND STOLEN!” This is from the American traitor and insurrectionist Donald Trump. These last few days have not been good ones for the vile orange monster. The Supreme Court ruled against him and didn’t even bother to write out a reply. Then the January 6 committee voted to subpoena him. No WONDER he’s losing his mind.

Trump responded to the subpoena with a 14-page letter that is indeed the stuff that psychos are made of. Ranting and raving, screaming and pointing fingers, the letter was pure gibberish. It’s just not been Donald Trump’s week. He is making a mess of everything as usual. His inability to be heard is coming through loud and clear as his futility in doing ANYTHING to help himself.

This twisted letter was to the Committee Chairman, Bennie Thomas. In the letter, which certainly shows his acceleration into madness, Trump ranted about everything from Black Lives Matter to Antifa to Russia. And nobody cares.

That is the story here. It isn’t that Donald Trump wrote a vile letter. It isn’t that he’s angry. It’s that nobody on this earth appears to CARE that he’s angry. All he hears when he screams into the void is the echo of his own intense madness. Trump has backed himself into a losing corner here. He has new problems every day, every hour; it would seem.

My opinion is that on some level — a level he’d never admit he even has — the man knows he’s this close to being indicted. This is Trump striking back, trying to be heard, to fight away the danger that he knows he’s in.

That is never going to happen. Everything is on the line for Trump — his money (what remains of it), his already blackened reputation, and his own freedom. I believe he knows this, and the angry wails we continually hear from him show just how futile he knows the battle is.

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