Donald Trump, white supremacist

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In every story about a cartoonish villain who hides his evil plans behind a thinly veiled cloak of a mainstream identity, there comes a point where the villain is so far down the road of evil that he stops bothering to keep up the charade. For his entire time in politics, and indeed well before that, Donald Trump was nothing more than Ku Klux Klan style white supremacist hiding behind the facade of a businessman and entertainer. Tonight, with the stroke of a pen, he finally admitted what he is and put on his KKK hood.

Trump has announced tonight that he’s ending DACA on a six month delay, which means that millions of people who entered the United States as children are suddenly no longer welcome here. There is no economic or security argument behind this change in policy. It will hurt the economy. It will make America weaker. The only possible reason to make this move is to, simply put, make America whiter.

As his already weak support base has begun to crumble, the only people still supporting Donald Trump are racists. We can argue all day along about whether that was true of all sixty-two million people who voted for him. But when it comes to the people who still support him, they’re all KKK members at heart, whether they want to admit it to themselves or not. Whatever fictional, imaginary excuses they might make up in their heads for supporting the end of DACA, it simply comes down to this: they’re pathetics losers who know the only thing they have going for them is white privilege, and they’re scared to death of losing it.

Donald Trump made this move tonight for the sole reason of pandering to the white trash filth who still support him. Everyone else in America already hates him for what he is, and nothing will change that, and he knows the only tactic he has left is to pander to his racist base. But this is the part where he officially declared war on America and everything it stands for. Trump put on his KKK hood tonight. He finally admitted what he’s been all along. Either you’re with him, or you’re with the human race. We’ve got six months to use every Constitutional method possible to oust this filthy piece of shit from office. Pick a side, because there is no middle anymore.

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