Trump world collapses in on itself

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Donald Trump and his legal team are working awfully hard to try to convince the courts to reveal the name(s) of the confidential informant(s) that the DOJ used in obtaining a warrant to seize the classified documents that Trump stole. This effort will fail. Even if the judge releases a redacted version of the search warrant affidavit, no judge would expose the identifies of confidential informants at this stage of an ongoing federal criminal investigation. But Trump sure does want those names – and with good reason.

The unsealed search warrant makes clear that the DOJ has obtained the cooperation of one or more people with detailed knowledge of Donald Trump’s personal setup at Mar-a-Lago. The Feds knew about Trump’s safe. They knew where the classified documents were. They knew about other details that appear to go beyond anything that the Feds could have gotten from the surveillance footage they obtained. Whoever has been cooperating, it’s likely someone close to Trump who is still secretly cooperating right under his nose.

So it’s notable that some of Trump’s employees are now telling the media that they think the “rat” could be a member of Trump’s family. Maybe that’s true and maybe it’s not, but it’s a pretty clear instance of “I’m not the rat, look over there for the rat!” Everyone around Trump knows that he’s more likely to take something seriously if he gets it from the media, so it makes sense to plant stories like this.

Meanwhile, for all we know, members of Trump’s family could be privately telling him that he should suspect his employees. And his employees could in turn be telling him to suspect his political allies who keep visiting Mar-a-Lago. If anyone loyal to Trump knew who the “rat” was, they’d likely have publicly outed that person by now. The lack of a definitive “outing” suggests that no one in Trump world truly knows who it is that’s secretly cooperating. Yet they’re all so afraid of being blamed for it, they’re pointing the finger elsewhere.

This is how Trump world collapses in on itself. No one around Donald Trump is giving him good advice; they’re just trying to avoid his wrath by directing it elsewhere. Not that there is any good advice for Trump at this point. Once you’re at the point where the Feds have caught you stealing classified documents and are seizing it from your home, and there’s no bigger fish that you can flip on, you’re simply done for. Whether Trump understands it or not, he’s now just waiting to be finished off by the Feds.

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