Donald Trump is sinking himself in real time – and even his handlers can’t stop him

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When Donald Trump’s lawyers leaked to the media this week that they were “in talks” with the DOJ about its criminal investigation into Donald Trump (the DOJ doesn’t operate that way), it was pretty obviously an attempt at controlling the media narrative. But his lawyers are also, on some level, playing to a media audience of one.

So when that same media report revealed that Trump’s lawyers had advised him to cut off communication with his former Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, it was pretty obvious that Trump’s lawyers were the ones who fed this to the media as well. But why leak such a thing? If this is how they feel, they’ve surely already said it to Trump’s face.

This all suggests that Trump’s lawyers privately told him to stop trying to talk to Mark Meadows, for fear that Meadows has flipped or will flip, and that Trump didn’t listen and is still trying to talk to Meadows. Trump is so self-destructively out of control, his lawyers can’t stop him – and they’re reduced to leaking their advice to the media in the hope that Trump will take it more seriously if he hears it from a media outlet. That’s just how far gone Trump is.

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