This is just devastating

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The overturning of Roe v. Wade is already having negative repercussions for women. Associated Press shared some of these horror stories, and they are frightening. One sexual assault survivor has made the determination to sterilize herself in case she is attacked again in the future because she does not want to face being forced to bear a rapist’s child. Another woman who was undergoing severe pregnancy complications was forced to suffer because her doctor refused to induce a miscarriage until she seemed “sick enough.” Finally, a Lupus patient was forced to stop the medication that controls her symptoms because it can induce a miscarriage. These are merely examples of the impact that overturning Roe v. Wade is going to have on women across this nation. As a woman herself, Amy Coney Barrett should be ashamed for taking part in this travesty, but Amy Coney Barrett does whatever men tell her to do. It is a shame she cannot feel for her sisters and instead chooses to follow men, who know nothing about pregnancy or childrearing. This is the world in which we find ourselves, and we can thank Republicans.

Only Republicans assume women seek out and have abortions for nefarious reasons. Sexual assault is traumatic by itself; being forced to birth the child of an attacker falls in the “cruel and unusual punishment” category. Not to mention women who are going through life-threatening pregnancies like the one mentioned above. Is it better to save a child if its mother dies in the process? As AP detailed, an Ohio clinic received calls from two women with ectopic pregnancies who were refused treatment. In an ectopic pregnancy, the baby cannot be saved, and terminating such a pregnancy cannot and should not be considered an “abortion.” Not terminating an ectopic pregnancy, however, endangers the mother’s life. According to the Mayo Clinic, if a fertilized egg is allowed to grow inside of a fallopian tube, the tube can rupture, resulting in heavy bleeding in a woman’s abdomen. That, in turn, can lead to shock and the ultimate death of the woman. The Mayo Clinic also stresses that “an ectopic pregnancy can’t proceed normally.” The egg won’t survive and leaving it inside of a woman can have deadly consequences. Are anti-abortion fanatics really this hell-bent on forcing women to continue pregnancies?

In the end, the choice to terminate a pregnancy belongs with the prospective mother, her family, and her doctor, and no one else. People need to mind their own damned business and allow women to make the choices they need to make for their own health and wellbeing. This will be disastrous before it’s over. Jessian Munonz is an OB/GYN in San Antonio, TX, who treats high-risk pregnancies. Dr. Munonz told AP that “medical decisions used to be clear cut.” He describes this situation best when he said: “the art of medicine is lost and actually has been replaced by fear.” No woman should ever fear doing what’s best for her health, but thanks to some folks forcing others to live by their rules and beliefs, we are left in this position.

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