It’s not difficult to figure out why they’re playing both sides

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The media and pundit class keeps asking why Republicans like Rusty Bowers and Bill Barr can testify against Trump and then also say they’ll vote for him in 2024 if he’s the Republican nominee. The answer is simple: they know Trump won’t be around by 2024, so it costs them nothing to say it.

This is an easy one for them. Even as they’re throwing Trump under the bus and helping to finish him off, they’re throwing out the “but I’d still vote for him” thing just to keep the Trump-Republican base from fully revolting against them. They know it won’t be a thing anyway.

Trump is half senile, seems half dead, polling suggests he wouldn’t even be the Republican frontrunner in 2024, and he’s pretty obviously on his way to prison. People like Barr and Bowers know they can say they’ll support Trump in 2024 without ever having to actually support him.

It really is that simple and obvious. Yet because the media and pundit class is almost uniformly pretending Trump will somehow be viable in 2024, they can’t admit this. They have to act confused about why Barr and Bowers are saying this, as if it’s some unsolvable mystery.

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