DOJ raids home of Trump DOJ official Jeffery Clark ahead of January 6th public hearing

Hours before the start of today’s DOJ-themed January 6th public hearing, the news broke that the DOJ raided the home of former Trump DOJ official Jeffrey Clark yesterday morning. This is remarkable both for its timing and for how this suggests that the DOJ Trump probe is much further along than previously known.

Just to obtain a warrant of this type, the DOJ had to already have significant evidence in hand of Jeffrey Clark’s guilt. This points to the DOJ having been steadily building up to this raid for some time. This also makes clear that Clark is a criminal target, and that the DOJ intends to criminally charge him. Given the overwhelming publicly available evidence spelling out that Clark and Donald Trump criminally conspired together on these crimes, the fact that Clark is a criminal target makes clear that Trump is also a criminal target.

This also raises questions as to why the DOJ-themed public hearing, which was supposed to have taken place last week, was postponed; did the DOJ ask the January 6th Committee to delay the hearing because it didn’t want its people testifying about Clark before this raid could be carried out? We may or may not ever get an answer on that.

But the bottom line is this: the DOJ’s long-building criminal probe into all of this has now reached the point where it’s raiding the homes of the very seniormost people who criminally conspired with Donald Trump. It’s clear that the DOJ is attempting to flip people like Clark against Trump, so that it’ll have inside witnesses testifying against Trump at his trial – which is crucial to getting a conviction against crime bosses for these kinds for crimes.

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